Matteo Sciberras’s Updates
Week 12 Task - Intelligent Tutoring Systems
An Intelligent Tutoring System is a program created to aid learners with any troubles that they may come across and also to help them improve within the area that they system is working in. These system are a means to help students whenever a teache...More
Week 11 Task - Social Networks in Education
The social media platform that I have chosen to perform the learning scenario on is Edmodo. This site provides users with a number of features and allows a number of learning activities to be performed. These activities include polls, quizzes as wel...More
Week 9 Task - VR/AR Technology in History Courses
A course that I think would benefit greatly from the use of VR/AR would be the History course. The use of both VR and AR would allow students to experience first-hand a number of historical places and objects that they would otherwise only be able t...More
Week 8 Task - Game-Based Learning
AI concepts usually take a good amount of time and effort to fully understand, especially for younger students who may struggle with them due to their complexity. A more practical approach using a game to teach these concepts would ensure more user...More
Week 7 Task - What is an Ontology?
One defintition that I found defines an ontology as the interpretation of a group of ideas within a specific domain that defines the interrelationship between those ideas.
From this I would personally define an ontology as the collection of the...More
Week 5 Task - Pedagogical Agents
Pedagogical agents are lifelike characters that are traditionally used to help users with their education but which may also come with several other features which may prove beneficial to the user
Pedagogical agents need to be able to adapt...More
Week 4 Task - Blue Paper
This paper tackles Constraint-Based Student Modeling as a new approach to student modelling. This approach splits the subject material into a set of constraints in which any violation to that set will demonstrate a need for that particular area to b...More
Week 3 Task - ScootPad
ScootPad is an adaptive learning tool which helps students learn new concepts by adapting the curriculum to their specific needs. This is done by utilising a number of features, inlcuding those used to establish the current knowledge base of the stu...More