e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Learner diversity

Learner Diversity is the group and individual differences that we see in students (Pearson,2010). We are living in a society in which we are all learning from a diverse group of people. Every student comes from a different background and has a different way of thinking. Teachers today are faced with a great deal of variations of diversity in schools. In order for a teacher to successfully reach the students, he/she must have the knowledge and understanding of issues with gender, ethnicity, culture, language, socioeconomic status, ability, religion and much more. These differences influence learning in the classroom.

Often there is a cultural mismatch in the classroom. This happens when a Childs home culture and the culture of the school create conflicting expectations for a student's behavior (Pearson, 2010). Expectations in the home can affect this difference. Some homes may include a high influence of achievement while others may be more resistant to the values of the classroom. Stereotyping can often create conflict in the classroom. If a particular culture is thought to be high or low achievers, then a student is left feeling like they have to fulfill that stereotype.

This page will identify a few of the most common differences and will help to guide educators in establishing an effective classroom with responsive teaching.

Learning is effective to the extent to which it engages with learner identities. These are deeply diverse, complex and multilayered. Learner differences should be measured and taken into account both in terms of the dimensions of ‘gross demographics’ and the more subtle and variable ‘lifeworld attributes’.

Classroom Activities/Process

Problem of learner diversity can be problem of teaching such as too much emphasis on whole-class teaching; closed-end questions; not finding out what students know; not making use of opportunities to scaffold students
Suggested differentiated strategies to help with teaching mixed-abilities:

Give more assistance to some students
Re-teach some concepts
Questions pitched at different levels for different individuals
Monitor works closely
Allows for variation
Activities may vary in complexity

Other newer approaches

Multiple Intelligences (Linguistic, mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily, interpersonal, intrapersonal & more…)
Constructivist and activity-based approach: Many opportunities for individual & group work
Cooperative Learning and Learning Community…

C) Assessment and Learning Products

Differentiation for students with learning difficulties
Assignments with different formats…such as use of learning portfolio
Learning contract
Focus on learning progress not just products
Students can choose from the questions
Examples of Different Learning Products

A drawing (not regular writing)
A performance
A product/model
A practical activity
A listening or speaking activity
An emphasis on student improvement not just on actual marks…
A portfolio with different pieces of work




  • Chiranjeevi Rahul Rollakanti
  • José María Del Pozo Calderón