e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates
التعلم التشاركي
لتعليـم التشـاركي هـو أسـلوب تعليمـي مبنـي علـى خلـق بيئـة فعالـة تسـمح للطالـب أن يتعـاون مـع جميـع الطـاب ويتشـارك معهـم فـي بنـاء المحتـوى التعليمـي. كمـا يعطـي هـذا النـوع مـن التعلـم الطـاب الفرصـة للمناقشـة والمجادلة وإبداء الرأي والتفاوض، وذل...More
الفصل المقلوب
فصل القلوب
نتحدث عن الفصل المقلوب واهميته
عرف استراتيجية الصف والفصل المقلوب «Flipped Classroom» على أنها استراتيجية تعليمية يتبادل فيه الفصل الدراسي والمنزل الأدوار في العملية التعليمية، حيث يقوم المعلم بشرح المحتوى العلمي من خلال مقاطع فيد...More
Collaborative Intelligence: Peer-to-Peer Learning in Digital Ecologies
Collaborative intelligence refers to the intellectual capacity that emerges when individuals work together to solve problems, create knowledge, or achieve common goals. One key aspect of collaborative intelligence is peer-to-peer (P2P) learning, whi...More
Multimodal Knowledge Representations
Multimodal knowledge representations involve using multiple communication modes—text, images, audio, video, and interactive elements—to convey meaning. This approach surpasses traditional text-based learning, leveraging digital tools to...More
Cloud Computing in Ubiquitous Learning
Cloud computing means using online platforms to store, access, and manage information instead of keeping it on personal devices. This technology is very important for ubiquitous learning, which allows students and teachers to learn and communicate a...More
collaborative intelligence
Collaborative intelligence encourages creating dynamic opportunities for learning communities to collaboratively create, refine, and share knowledge that models authentic learning experiences to prepare learners for educational growth and lifelong l...More
Understanding and applying Recursive Feedback in e-Learning through Dashboards and Mashups
Recursive feedback is a dynamic process where learners and educators continually receive, evaluate, and respond to information about learning progress. This iterative cycle enhances the teaching-learning process by enabling real-time adjustments bas...More
“Situated Cognition” in e-Learning Ecologies
Situated cognition is a concept rooted in the idea that knowledge is inextricably linked to the context in which it is learned. Unlike traditional models of learning that emphasize abstract knowledge transfer, situated cognition asserts that unde...More
Introducing Makerspaces as Active Learning Hubs in e-Learning Ecologies
Makerspaces are collaborative, hands-on environments where learners engage in creative problem-solving, innovation, and design. These spaces are often equipped with tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and electronics kits, enabling participant...More
ماوراء المعرفة في البيئة التعليمية
تطبيق ما وراء المعرفة لتعلم الطلاب في البيئة الصفية
ما وراء المعرفة (Metacognition) هي القدرة على التفكير في التفكير أو الوعي بكيفية تفكير الشخص وتعلمه. يمكن تطبيق هذا المفهوم في البيئة الصفية لتحسين تعلم الطلاب من خلال تمكينهم من فهم عملياتهم ا...More