Activity Stream

  • Caitlyn Balich  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Caitlyn Balich commented on Ethical Analysis Project Group Number 2 Green Computing

    Awesome presentation! I never knew what green computing was and how it important it is for our environment. Good job!

  • Caitlyn Balich  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Caitlyn Balich commented on Group 7 Where can I go to get some privacy?

    Really good job on this presentation! It's crazy how much privacy is changing and how we are even been watched by our government. Nice job!

  • Kylie McCabe  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kylie McCabe commented on Ethical Analysis Project Group 11 Virtual Ethics

    Very interesting visual presentation, Nice work!

  • Kylie McCabe  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kylie McCabe commented on Ethical Analysis Project Group 1

    This was a topic I had no ide about before watching your presentation. Nice over view and analysis, very imformative.

  • Kylie McCabe  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kylie McCabe commented on Group 10: Remixology

    Remixing is definitely a nuanced topic, especially considered that several popular music generes today originated from "remixing" or scratching on records (hiphop/rap/R&B) and then those music generes became further remixed within each other.

  • Kylie McCabe  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kylie McCabe commented on Group 5 - Tweet, Tweet! Final Ethical Analysis Project

    Excellent connections made between FDR and Trump with their media usage. This gave presidential media usage a historical context and thus an interesting spin on the current administration.

  • Kylie McCabe  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kylie McCabe commented on Ethical Analysis Project Group 3: Not all autonomous cars are alike

    I was origionally unable to veiw this presentation but I checked back today and it worked. Nicely done

  • Kylie McCabe  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kylie McCabe commented on GROUP 8- Game Time

    Very engaging presentation! A very interesting topic with great visuals.

  • Kylie McCabe  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kylie McCabe commented on Group 9: #MeToo

    The #Metoo movement origionally founded by Kimberly Chrenshaw has been a very influential social movement over the past year. Nice job sumizing its points and effects on the lives of women.

  •  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Kimberly Laivo posted an update …

    Group 4: Gone Phishing

    Kimberly Laivo

    Kylie McCabe

    This presentation is general summery of the scope and set-ups of common cyber attacks, as they affect both large companies and individual users. Foc...More

  • Natalie Keys  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Natalie Keys starred an update …

    Ethical Analysis Project Group 1

    Starred at January 18, 2018

  •  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Haley Nicholson posted an update …

    GROUP 8- Game Time

    Group 8: Game Time

    Haley Nicholson 

    Virtual Reality is a new emerging technology on the market that allows its users to immerse in a virtual world through the uses of senses in audio and visual headsets. The training aspect has been very eff...More

  •  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Lucia Pulido posted an update …

    Group 7 Where can I go to get some privacy?

    Group 7

    Lucia Pulido

    Where can I go to get some privacy?

    I are working for a research organization that produces material for the people that advise the president. My assignment is to determine the current state of surveillance technology world w...More

  • Natalie Keys  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Natalie Keys starred an update …

    Lesson 18: Final Exam

    Starred at January 17, 2018

  • Natalie Keys  Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics

    Natalie Keys starred an update …

    Lesson 17: Ethical Analysis Project

    Starred at January 17, 2018