Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics’s Updates
Ethical Analysis Project Group 1
China's Little Helper:
I am emulating a faux telecommunications company trying to enter the Chinese market. I will go over controverisial ethical issues of entering the market and how my company may deal with them accordingly.
This was a topic I had no ide about before watching your presentation. Nice over view and analysis, very imformative.
This was a very interesting topic. I learned a lot about why yahoo has changed. You covered the topic ver well.
This was a very interesting topic, which I enjoyed learning more about. It was interesting to learn that Yahoo was working with China.
Very interesting topic! It makes sense now why Yahoo has lost popularity and Google has gained so much. Google seems to have a stricter, more active and more conscious code of ethics. It seems like a difficult situation ethically, because Yahoo didn't really know that what the guy was emailing about, and China made it sound like something way worse than it was. Governments can't necessarily reveal everytihng about an investigation when asking for information like that, so if it were an actually important investigation into terrorism or something, we would hope that the search engine is helpful in the search. However, I don't think that happens as often as we are made to believe. Usually it is just over-paranoia on the government's part, and endless invasions of citizens' privacy and free speech.
Great presentation! I had no idea that Yahoo! is working with China. Very interesting and informational.
Group 1:
Good presentation. Very detailed slides with lots of information and points. I liked your policy revision slide and thought the ideas were good ones and an important part with technology growing by the day. I was unaware of this issue so it was nice to hear and learn about it through your guys project.
Great presentation Samantha! I didn't know much about the situation in China, but this presentation did a great job explaining it. It was easy to follow and really interesting. Good job!
This is great presentation! I knew a little bit about the situation in China but this gave me a deeper understanding. I really liked your slide on steps to take when approached by the authorities, it had those extra details that turn a good presentation into a great one!
Nice Work Samantha!! I found your presentation to be very detailed and well ordered. I wasn't aware of this ethical issue on Yahoo working with China. I think you did a great job in presenting the information and informing us on what is going on.
Great job on your presentation Samantha! I can definitely see the many ethical issues that could come into play in situations like these, especially at the expense of losing employees!