Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics’s Updates
Group 9: #MeToo
Group Members:
Natalie Keys
Rachel Betram
Ashley Narciso
Cassandra Abad
Laurel Poff
We have seen awareness for sexual harassment in the workplace make great leaps in the past year. More women are coming out about how they’ve been cornered into uncomfortable sexual decisions and situations, which their careers may depend upon. We have seen a culture develop that enforces the power and wealth dynamics of an elite patriarchy here, and we as women are expected to sleep our way to the top, while simultaneously being shut out from future opportunities for doing so. For this reason we have a lot in common with the founders of Time’s Up, a coalition begun to raise awareness, research, and provide legal defense to women nationwide experiencing similar dynamics.
The #Metoo movement origionally founded by Kimberly Chrenshaw has been a very influential social movement over the past year. Nice job sumizing its points and effects on the lives of women.
Great job, addressing the ethical issues associated with sexual harassment. This is something that anyone can be effected by and has the potential of taking place at all levels of an organization.
Group 9, you made a very informative presentation! I love how you dove into this topic and how you are able to explain the #MeToo movement. Good work!
Great presentation group 9! You did a good job of explaining and digging deeper into a difficult topic. You are spreading awareness for women who are too scared to stand up against the horrible things that are happening to them. Speading this information is the first step to ending this harassment. Great job everyone!
Great presentation. women and men at every level of the workforce can be affected by sexual harassment. It is also common across the U.S. in all different workforces. Unfortunately, companies can feel immune in this area and do not see it as their problem, until it is. I agree more training in this topic is needed throughout the workforce.
Fantastic job! I think many people still do not know much about the #MeToo movement and your presentation does a great job of creating even more awareness, especially regarding harassment in the workplace which is still super common
Nice job on this one guys! This is such a powerful movement and you guys did such a great job about explaining this topic. There is so much inequality in the workplace and women have t deal with so much. Nice work!
Hello group 9! The statistics of sexual harassment in the workplace and the unequal pay between men and women are awful, but unfortunately not shocking. The recommendations you guys came up with are really good! I like the idea of companies hiring a specific person to tackle this issue. Great job!
Hi group 9! I feel that you had a highly informative presentation about the struggles women face in the workplace today as well as the many ethical issues we are confronted with during these times. This was a powerful presentation and I hope that everyone in the class learns something from it no matter how big or small.
Good job informing us about the struggle of inequality for women in the workplace. Maybe make your slides a little more colorful to add to the presentation or pictures to look at. This is an important issue in which you explained very well with examples from many sources.