L2 Artificial Immersion
Artificial immersion is a new AI-driven pedagogical approach to language learning and teaching relevant to the classroom, ODL, AR, and VR contexts. It is an innovative teaching approach based on a method of layering learning triggers and nudges into the fabric of lesson materials. This is built on the findings of previous optimal-learning task-duration research, which suggested that focused, intentional learning is limited and likely to alternate with distraction within minutes. This study hypothesized that by placing background learning triggers within the lesson material, these triggers might replace some non-learning distractions, keeping more attention on learning and improving the efficiency of lesson time, albeit within a nonlinear pedagogical framework. To some extent, the aim is to mimic the L2 immersion experience artificially. Generative AI makes creating artificial immersive materials with interwoven background triggers a relatively simple procedure. A preliminary pilot experiment suggested that one background layer could improve the overall test results by more than 6 percent. Cohen’s d was 0.38, indicating a medium effect size for one layer.