e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Personalize Learning

Personalized learning is an educational approach that aims to customize learning for each student’s strengths, needs, skills and interests.

ids learn in different ways and at different paces. Personalized learning is a teaching model based on that premise. Each student gets a “learning plan” based on how he learns, what he knows, and what his skills and interests are. It’s the opposite of the “one size fits all” approach used in most schools.

Students work with their teachers to set both short-term and long-term goals. This process helps students take ownership of their learning.

Teachers make sure learning plans or project-based learning match up with academic standards. And they check to see if students are demonstrating the skills they’re expected to learn as they progress through their education.

Personalized learning is not a replacement for special education. It’s an approach to general education that can work with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a 504 plan, response to intervention or other specialized intervention programs.

But accommodations, supports and accessible learning strategies need to be essential parts of personalized learning. If done well, all students will be more engaged in their learning. And struggling students will get help sooner. If not done well, students with disabilities could fall further behind.

There has been significant progress in the use of digital learning to catalyze progress with ladder learning, and we are now at the cusp of being able to also leverage technology as an accelerator for complex problem solving and project-based learning. But teaching a student to solve a math problem is a simpler task than asking a student to use math to resolve a complex social issue such as homelessness. Moreover, project-based learning can seem even more daunting when we consider how to use technology to better equip students to solve these complex problems.

The magnitude of the challenge is one of the reasons that it has never been done before.




  • José María Del Pozo Calderón