e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Essential Update #1 - Working Out Loud

Ubiquitous learning seems to be a new hot topic. Loosely defined you might break down the two words; ubiquitous meaning present everywhere, all around us, all over, worldwide and learning meaning to gain of skills, knowledge and understanding. This is not new. Us humans gain skills, knowledge and understanding, from all around us all of the time, on our journey to work or when watching TV, cooking a meal, having a conversation etcetera... etcetera... Two learning and development professionals discussing and promoting ubiquitous learning in the last couple of years would be talking about mobile technology and the ability to access formal and informal learning anytime, anywhere. John Stepper founder of Working Out Loud (WOL) built on the concept and developed a platform for people to connect, for people to share work, be collaborative and work out loud. John Stepper puts an emphasis on building relationships, connectedness, making work meaningful. He suggests that through being generous with our 'sharing' we will innovate and empower each other.

The Working Out Loud innovation suggest that we create Working Out Loud circles, a peer group of 4 or 5 people that meet once per week for 12 weeks and follow guided session plans to get connected and make goals or explore a topic. Meets do not need to be face to face. These sessions develop peoples digital skills, digital profile, confidence and presence. People who have attended the circles have said they have found it to be life changing. WOL enables peer to peer learning and supports organisations to develop collaborative working practices using technology. The approach promotes autonomy and helps people find their purpose. There are many layers of learning people are exposed to when working out loud, the practice allows people to tap into th ecollcetive knowledge of others. It is  learning about how to behave.


The book Working Out Loud for a better career and Life by John Stepper can be found here http://workingoutloud.com/the-book/

Here ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l3azE-eis4 you will find a 2 minute promotional video clip