e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates
Collaborative Intelligence
Collaborative Intelligence:
Collaborative intelligence works in the social dimensions of learning in which peers grow their intelligence by sharing structured feedback to each other’s works. And, in this type of social environment, learners get in touch with the diverse and open knowledge resources. Each peer grow knowledge through the contributions of peers and come to know the sources to knowledge formation. Simply, we can say peers share their intelligence to each other and collectively develop a new knowledge and learning.
So, we can say this type of collaborative learning as peer to peer learning.
Communities of practice:
Peer to peer learning happens in the platform of communities of practices. In eLearning environments, Communities of practices are the groups of learners and experts where learners or experts shares their knowledge and peers review and give constructive feedbacks. For an example, Meritnation is a platform for the students to create their own study group, get update on friends online activities and let them work with friends on home work, projects etc.
Community and collaboration tools:
There are many collaboration tools like Wikis, Blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. to create a community group. In these community group learner and expert can share their knowledge through text, images, links, audios and videos. Peers also can review the shared projects and give their feedback.
Here is an example of Facebook as collaboration tool. A community of HTML Coding shared a project on HTML coding and the member of group reviewing and commenting on the projects and giving feedbacks.
Here is the other example, Linkedin as collaborative tools. The community The Instructional Design Forum on Linkedin lets peers to add their projects and get reviews and feedbacks. Here, Collaborative intelligence takes place and peers grow with new knowledge through collaborative learning.
Blogs also play vital role in Collaboration. Collaborative learning happens by sharing projects in the form of text, images, videos etc. and getting peer reviews and feedbacks.
Wikis is a good example of collaborative tools. In this platform, users collaboratively modify information written on this. Using media editor any one can modify content.