e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Harnessing Collective Brilliance: Exploring Distributed Intelligence in e-Learning

Dear e-Learning Ecologies MOOC community,

I am thrilled to introduce a concept that is at the forefront of revolutionizing how we learn and collaborate – Distributed Intelligence. This paradigm taps into the collective cognitive abilities of a network, emphasizing the idea that intelligence is not confined to individuals but is distributed across a community or system.

Defining Distributed Intelligence:

Distributed Intelligence goes beyond the traditional view of intelligence as solely residing within individuals. Instead, it posits that intelligence is distributed across a network of individuals and tools, creating a collective intelligence that is more powerful than the sum of its parts. This concept is particularly relevant in the context of e-learning, where diverse perspectives and contributions can lead to richer educational experiences.

Example: Wikis as Agents of Distributed Intelligence

One compelling example of Distributed Intelligence in practice is the use of wikis as collaborative platforms. Wikis enable learners to contribute, edit, and organize content collectively. Imagine a collaborative project where students across the globe collaboratively build a wiki on a complex historical event. Each participant adds unique insights, creating a dynamic, evolving resource that embodies the principles of Distributed Intelligence.


To explore the concept of Distributed Intelligence further, consider the works of scholars like Edwin Hutchins, who has delved into the idea of cognition as a distributed phenomenon. Link to Hutchins' work

Engage in the Conversation:

Let's dive into a discourse on Distributed Intelligence within our e-learning community. How can we leverage collaborative tools like wikis to enhance the distributed nature of learning? Share your experiences, challenges, and strategies for fostering distributed intelligence in e-learning environments.

Best regards,

Melanie sauterelle