e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Collaborative learning and the Collaborative Intelligence as an example of promotion of teams based on technical and disciplinary diversity

A large number of education and educational performance studies have shown that people who work together have a greater ability to solve problems and be much more creative with any particular set of tasks than people who simply work individually.

Therefore, by creating teams of people with different orientations to work together to solve a specific type of problem, an environment conducive to providing a much richer experience and learning space is created, in a more condensed period of time.

In turn, the digital ecologies that we now have at our disposal function as appropriate means to develop the capacity for collaboration, such as social networks, in which people meet and relate to each other in powerful ways around their interests, or around particular tasks

Therefore, collaborative intelligence in the learning environment improves students' thinking and habits of mind that produce lifelong learners and people committed to producing knowledge that is useful to others.

Now, I would like to exemplify Collaborative Intelligence from the specific case of the "AI Alliance" project of IBM and Meta. Faced with the importance that AI is taking on in our daily lives, teaching spaces and companies in which we work, the "AI Alliance" project brings together a group of leading organizations from the industry, emerging companies, the academic world, the research and government coming together to support open innovation and open science in AI. This project is an example of Collaborative Intelligence in terms of the fact that it has been proposed as an open community that seeks to allow participating developers and researchers to accelerate responsible innovation in AI while guaranteeing scientific rigor, trust, security, diversity and economic competitiveness. But, from what practical terms is Collaborative Intelligence launched?

1. From the development of a catalog of work tools: that allows the implementation of evaluation standards, tools and other resources that allow the development and responsible use of AI systems.

2. From the implementation of open base models: as ecosystems that help address multi-thematic challenges.

3. From promoting the adoption of software technology: based on contribution.

4. From the multidisciplinary participatory call: from researchers, academics and students who get involved in contributing to projects and tool research.

5. From the creation of educational and information content: to provide general knowledge about the project both for civil society and for governments and entities that formulate public policies.

For more information:

AI Alliance Launches as an International Community of Leading Technology Developers, Researchers, and Adopters Collaborating Together to Advance Open, Safe, Responsible AI. (2023, December 05). Retrieved from https://newsroom.ibm.com/AI-Alliance-Launches-as-an-International-Community-of-Leading-Technology-Developers,-Researchers,-and-Adopters-Collaborating-Together-to-Advance-Open,-Safe,-Responsible-AI