e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

update #1:Lifelong and lifewide learning

Lifelong and lifewide learning is very important nowadays and it is also more efficient with the emergence of Web 2 technologies.According to the( Wiki) definition it is an ongoing,voluntary and self motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or proffesional reasons.Learning is not confined to childhood or the classroom but takes place throughout life in a range of situations.Since the world changes more quickly than before in order to thrive as individuals and as organizations consisted of individuals we must be able to adjust knowledge and skills to meet evolving needs.Humans are natural learners,we learn to talk and walk but there are exapmles of lifelong learning :

1.developing a new skill (cooking,talking in public)

2.learning sports

3.doing an online course

According to (NAES 2000) lifewide dimension of learning refers to the fact that learning takes place in a variety of different environments and situations and is not only cofined to the formal educational system.



2.Jost Reischman, "Lifelong and lifewise learning -a perspective"

3. Lifewide education e-book, Lifewide Learning: History of an Idea Norman J Jackson

4..video, Risk-taking, mistake-making, and lifelong learning | Dr. Kathleen Ciez-Volz | TEDxFSCJ