Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics’s Updates

Lesson 14: What does my online profile say about me?


Assignment 21

I use to believe that I was one of those people who spent more time doing more productive things than spending time on technology and social media. After doing this log I have realized that I spend most of my day on my computer or phone. I am pleased that a lot of the time I spend on my computer is for work or homework, but I am still shocked that I spend this much time staring at a screen. My online behavior shows that I like to go on social media a lot, but I rarely post things. I mainly read articles or look at others who have posted. Because I rarely post on social media, I don’t present a online personality for myself. The things that I do post are true to me and I am not pretending to be someone that I am not. I am always honest and affirming to my online friends. I would certainly hire someone like me because my social media does not harm or put anyone at risk. My use of media would never have a bad effect on my work. I think in some ways my online life effects my offline life. I can be less social because I have screen I can hide behind. Because of this class I am now more aware of the unethical things that happen online. The things I read online are not always true. By following people on social media with bad ethical values, I am in a way encouraging their behavior. It is important that I spend less time hiding behind a screen.