Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics’s Updates

Lesson 14: What does my online profile say about me?


My online behavior shows me that I spend way too much time online. Ideally, I would like to spend about half as much time online as I do. I don’t post much online, but when I do I let my real personality show. I wouldn’t say that I have “online friends,” the friends that I do have online are the friends that I have in real life. I do believe that I would hire someone like me. I don’t post any crude or nasty things on my profile. I am very respectful of others profiles and mostly just keep to myself. I would like to work on lowering my online time. I would preferably like to spend more time outside and away from the screens. I do believe that my online life is getting in the way of my offline life, it is restricting me from spending more time outside and with my friends. I don’t see any ethical issues with my online life, mostly because I don’t actually post much online, I mostly just observe others. I do see some unethical things happening with other people’s online presence, though.