Determining the Learning Outcomes of a University Mathematics Module

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The subject of this article falls within the framework of training engineering. Its aim is to present a methodological approach for determining the learning outcomes targeted by a mathematics module in a university course designed according to a curricular approach centered on the transmission of knowledge. This method is based on two elements: first, an analysis of the teaching resources (syllabuses, course, and tutorial sheets) used by five teachers from five Moroccan scientific establishments, according to the mathematical content and cognitive activity they require, and second, a categorization of learning outcomes in mathematics, based on the model used by the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) survey. The question of transposing a program designed according to an academic approach based on knowledge to be transmitted, to a program designed according to a learner-centered approach is crucial to the overall improvement of the teaching system. This is the basis for learner-centered training engineering, opening the way to a process of adapting university training programs in the Moroccan university system to the current trend based on learning outcomes.