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Active Learning Concept: Research-based and Meaningful Learning through knowledge production

Active Learning Concept: Research-based and Meaningful Learning through knowledge production

Definition: Research-based and Meaningful Learning through knowledge production is an active learning approach that emphasizes the creation of knowledge by learners through engagement in meaningful and relevant activities. Learners construct their knowledge by actively participating in tasks that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and the application of concepts to real-world contexts.

Example in Practice: The learning concept is implemented through a student-led history project. Students are tasked with conducting interviews with local community members who have lived through significant historical events. These interviews aim to capture personal experiences, insights, and perspectives that might not be found in traditional textbooks. Students actively engage in preparing interview questions, conducting interviews, transcribing and analyzing the responses, and compiling their findings into a multimedia presentation. They not only acquire knowledge about historical events but also become knowledge producers as they synthesize, interpret, and present the collected stories. Through this process, students develop a deeper understanding of historical contexts, empathy for those who lived through the events, and skills in communication and research.

The learning process is the implementation of the combination of research and meaningful learning. Research-based learning is multifaceted, referring to various learning methods, so that all students’ learning outcomes come from a simple research that they do, for example through experiments and field studies (Wardoyo, 2013; Griffith, 2008; Jyrhämä, 2008; Kynäslahti, 2006). Research-based learning provides opportunities for students to formulate problems, review theories, construct hypotheses, collect data, analyze data, and conclude the results obtained (Usmeldi, R. Amini, S. Trisna / JPII 6 (2) (2017), p.319-320).



The development of research-based learning model with science, environment, technology, and society approaches to improve critical thinking of students Usmeldi, R. Amini, S. Trisna / JPII 6 (2) (2017) 318-325 https://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/jpii/article/view/10680/6805

Meaningful Learning in Practice, Antoni Ballester Vallori https://antoniballester.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Pdf-1.pdf