e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Personalized learning: aspects and problematic issues.

The times when all learners have to do all the same are left behind now. Constant observing of learners in classes and researches in cognitive neurobiology stated that people have different abilities in studying and therefore should use different learning methods to succeed. Despite it looks obvious and logic, earlier it was possible only for those who can afford to take individual classes and seemed absolutely impossible for classical in-class education. Teachers had no opportunities to create a new syllabus for each student and to evaluate their results individually. But now times are different. We have Learning Management Systems, e-learning platforms and other educational devices worked on a base of AI. When learner studies online with help of these learning instrument, a lot new possibilities start to develop. AI can analyze learners’ preferences, weak and strong sides, rhythm of studying, notes and results, and on basis of the data build a brand new, very customized methods for every student. As for me, the most interesting aspect of it all is an individually shaped evaluation of learners’ results. I think it is wonderful when learner can see objective results of their work, based on their own path, not on comparing them with one and only standard. It can be very stress-relieving and motivating practice. It can help to motivate even the learners who where earlier unsuccessful and considered to be “difficult cases”. But also I’m thinking about problematic issues which connected with this personal evaluation. For example, to get a school or university degree, person must have concrete number of notes in the final assessment. And it is standard for all members of school or university. So even if learner made a great success in his own path and rhythm, he or she will not get a degree if standards will not be fulfilled. This seems to be a problem and teachers must be aware of it. Regardless individual approach teachers have to prepare learners to pass a final exam or something. So can educational system in general be customized? Now definitely not. But still I think it is extremely useful to develop individual learning approach.
