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Are schools ready for transformative teaching.

When we look at articles such as learner difference in theroy and practice we can see the imporatance of this in the classroom, but when actual classroom consist of 30% students with complex needs, then maybe 10% G&T, as well as ESB needs and low literacy, EAL and up to 30 students in the room its seems like the idea of transformative teaching in current schools is not a realistic idea. School use a lot of the John Hattie meta cognitive effect sizes to justify things like class size, but when you look at the different aspects that make up transformative teaching such as knowing the needs of teaching being reflexive to what is happening in the classroom, removing traditional teaching boundaries of students sat at desks, all of these become more challenging once you have more than 20 students in the room.

To fully embrace this type of teaching the model of what a school looks like needs to change to support his happening in the classroom.