New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Essential peer reviewed update #4: Contemporary text of public policy that sets social objective for education.

This Former Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte gave written text Wednesday, June 13, 2018 vowed to further empower the youth by making quality education affordable and accessible to everyone, especially people experiencing poverty.

“Education is the single most important legacy that we can bestow upon our youth. It opens doors for countless opportunities that will lead to their further empowerment, greater success and the realization of their individual aspirations,” the President said.

“At present, millions of Filipino youth are still having a hard time finishing their studies due to poverty. Many poor students are struggling to go to school simply because they have no money for allowance, transportation, books and projects and for other miscellaneous expenses,” he added.

Duterte noted that the signing of the MOA “is a crucial step in helping young Filipinos fulfill their dreams of becoming productive members of our country’s workforce through academic degrees and technical or vocational training.”

“As we bring education closer to poor students, we must also ensure that the quality of education is not compromised and that its benefits are cascaded to all,” Duterte said.


Education is something that no one can ever take away from you. it is a tool that increases chances to have a better career opportunities and lift them out of poverty.