Brian Nierman’s Updates

Update 3: Brain Breaks and Releasing Pressure

 I found the subjects this week to be enlightening especially when the content covers how these pressures and anxieties effect learning. From my experience, when these students matriculate into our schools they have a hard time becoming enfranchised in the school culture. This is not to say that they take going to school lightly-many of them fully care about performing and learning at school. It just seems as though they put strong barriers and prefer to fly under the radar. I cannot imagine the fear and anxiety these students experience. Literally at any moment their lives can be ripped apart for no reason on their end.

I liked this topic immensely. I agree that students simply need to re-calibrate their brains or cool them down when they run too hot. I also believe that the concept and practice applies to adults as well. One of my colleagues in the district has a company where he helps teachers create brain break opportunities for their classroom.
While I think the brain breaks are most helpful in math classes, they are good for all disciplines where prolonged concentration is required for a particular activity.