Alexander Goodman’s Updates
assignment 3
I believe that google wants ethical and moral people to work for them. They want people with a great reputation for their skillset and their honesty and integrity. They make it sound as though you are acting as a representative for the brand at all...More
assignment 2
tuesday 1/5/16
hours awake 7am-11pm 16 hours
technology used: cell phone 2 hours throughout day
computer: 4 hours throughout day
% technology: 37.5%
ethical issues noticed:
people's embarrassing events used for comedy and entertainment purpose...More
plagiarism pledge
I pledge to not plagiarism any material in this course and i want to represent my own work and turn in the best quality that i can!
assignment 1
There are a few different times in particular that come to mind when I definitely questioned the ethics and morality of what I was doing. I really try and stay away from positions and situations where I might need to make a really tricky decision ab...More