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I just made a comment in a classmate's post about a pretty good book, so Fernanda Micali, Gabrielly Yasmyn and I decided to recommend an incredible TV show called Black Mirror.

We know that many friends here may have already watched the series, but what we would like to share right now is a very specific stuff that happens in the first episode of season five called “Striking Vipers”.

So, what we see is the main character choosing to live in the virtual world, the gaming one. We can see him slowly giving up everything that is real in his life. In the virtual world it is difficult to define limits, and it is difficult to know the difference between reality and fantasy.

The episode makes very clear the tedious life that the character has, this makes whoever is watching to wait for him to enter the game and start to be happy. With that in mind, don't we do this all the time? Do we pick up the cell phone when we are faced with difficult situations, do we put on a calm movie or things like that?

The series not only shows how technology changes our lives, relationships and the way we see the world, but also how real life can become boring. It looks like we can only be happy if we are connected to the internet. In the end of each episode we can see all of the consequences that this kind of dependence might cause and all are AWFUL!

What makes this very bizarre is how similar we are to it all, fiction is getting closer and closer to us, anyway, each episode is marked by very bad things that seem to be very close to becoming reality.


We're leaving here a video of the character's scene entering the game, and if you haven't watched Black Mirror yet, do it!

Media embedded November 30, 2021


  • Fernanda Micali Vitor