Tais Almeida’s Updates

Short Stories Are Important.

Since the beginning of the course we have been introduced to several inspiring texts, from many authors and with great enthusiasm when writing their stories. And what we want to discuss here is how short, short stories, like chronicle and tale, can be as interesting as a long novel. We imagine that this is a strategy that teachers use to optimize time and impact us students haha. Be that as it may, reading these short stories has been very good and has a great effect on us.

For children this effect is much more visible, children's stories are a very important part in their development, making them have the first contact with magical and enchanted worlds, fundamental to creativity at this stage. So, Fernanda Micali and I leave this text as a reminder that, short stories is very important in all phases of life, the practice of reading should always accompany us and if it is magically, even better!

Media embedded February 7, 2022
Media embedded February 7, 2022

Tais de Almeida and Fernanda Micali.