Allycia Uhrhan
Allycia Uhrhan commented on an update Update 3: Learning Before Class in EPS 431 SP18.
Allycia Uhrhan commented on an update Didactic Pedagogy in the Science Classroom in EPS 431 SP18.
Allycia Uhrhan commented on an update Update 7: Osmo and Reflexivity in EPS 431 SP18.
Allycia Uhrhan created the update Update 7: E-learning with Ed-Puzzle.
Allycia Uhrhan commented on an update Update 6: Digital Game-Based Learning in EPS 431 SP18.
Allycia Uhrhan commented on an update Update 6: Project Based Learning in EPS 431 SP18.
Allycia Uhrhan created the update Update 6: Keep Asking Why.
- Creating Real World Mathematicians
- Teaching to the Median Versus the Individual
- Flyertime Learning Module
- Constructivism: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly