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  • Personal Ethos Statement



  • Assignmnet 21


    I believe my online behavior doesn’t say very much about myself. If you’re a little bit resourceful you can avoid almost all online surveillance from advertisers or at least provide them with useless information. I don’t at the mo...More

  • Assignment 19

    I went and decided to play Call of Duty online. As is quite common with online multiplayer games obscene things are said all the time. The game is a typical first-person shooter in which teams run around and kill the members of the opposing team. Wh...More

  • Assignment 10

    I think a good issue that deals with technology and laws it that of cybersecurity. I believe with issues involving cybersecurity it is clear the law is not doing an adequate job of protecting corporations and individuals. I think the first step is t...More

  • Assignment 8

    I think that it can be very difficult to talk to someone who you might disagree with. This can be especially difficult on topics like security that are very complex and can often times deal with cultural issues. I think some of the ideas brought up...More

  • Assignment 6

    An example of deontological thinking that I think is very common occurs when sales people interact with customers. Although a salesperson might want to maximize their utility by recommending customers products and services they do not need, it is lo...More

  • Assignment 3

    The code clearly states to avoid a conflict of interest. I believe that google should itself expunge itself of its conflict of interest with users. Google like many other tech companies continuously mislead users about the true cost of the products...More
