Florencia Rinchese
Florencia Rinchese commented on an update Actualización Nº2: "El lenguaje marginalizado" ("The marginalized language") in Multimodal Literacies MOOC.
Florencia Rinchese created the update Actualización Nº2: "El lenguaje marginalizado" ("The marginalized language").
Florencia Rinchese and William Cope are now peers.
Florencia Rinchese commented on an update Unrestricted domains of meaning making in Multimodal Literacies MOOC.
Florencia Rinchese commented on an update Meaning making through assessments in Multimodal Literacies MOOC.
Florencia Rinchese and Karen Paredes are now peers.
Florencia Rinchese and Roberto Villalva are now peers.