Anna Julia Trindade Lima’s Updates


Hello, guys! I hope you're doing fine :)

Today I came here to talk a little more and add some things about the short story "GIRL". I think every girl or woman who read that text felt what the author was talking about. We feel so pressured to be the perfect woman or girl since we are kids, even in the language. Sírio Possenti talks about this in the book "POR QUE (NÃO) ENSINAR GRAMÁTICA NA ESCOLA" and he says that women usually speak more "right" (we don't say so many bad words, and we use more the default language) than men because we had this pressure from the society. Just like the text says, we have a right way to do every little thing, if we don't, we are "sluts", probably.

Anyway, we all know that we live in a very male chauvinist country, but girls in the whole world still try to give our rights, we deserve it. Songs are amazing ways to use the language and express our fight or even how we feel about it. So thinking, about this I brought some English songs to show you some things we go through because of society, feeling inferior, afraid, pressure to be pretty and other stuff.
Tell me in the comments which song was your favorite, I hope you like it <3

- Update by Anna Julia 

Media embedded June 23, 2021
Media embedded June 23, 2021
Media embedded June 23, 2021
  • Giullia Capaldi
  • Marianna Souza
  • Anna Julia Trindade Lima