Docs of 2020- Latest Research Encompassing Physiology’s Updates

Myoelectric prosthesis

Team B:

Leah Patton

Katelyn Peters

Eden Perez

Aadeel Akhtar


One of the ways to treat a person with an upper limb amputation is to fit them with a myoelectric prosthesis. The way this works is through the use of electromyography sensors placed on the residual limb on a patient with an amputation. When a user tries to make movements such as pinching or three finger grasping or hand close or hand open, different muscle groups in the proximal forearm flex and this activity can be measured through different patterns of EMG activity. Using these EMG signals, machine learning algorithms can be used to learn the different patterns of EMG activity associated with various grasps. In summary, you can teach a prosthetic arm to mimic the human grasping functions using residual muscle function. Research in the Bretl at the University of Illinois is investigating the development of state of the art prosthetics with upper limb amputation.