EDUC 499: Greece - Summer 2019’s Updates
3. Greek Educational System
Key Questions:
What are the main structures of the Greek education system? How does it compare to the education system in the United States?
(Deadline: Saturday)
(Deadline: Sunday, 11.55 PM)
Read and browse the resources above and make an update using the following question(s) as a prompt.
- What is the general topic of the selected resource?
- Point out the main differences between the US education system and the Greek system.
Comment: Comment on at least three other people's updates.
This week's articles primarily discussed the Greek education system. In one article, it discussed how certain primary schools in Greece are considered experimental. This was new to me and I was very interested to read in on this topic. These experimental schools carry out experimental education practices, and are supervised by university departments specializing in pedagogics and primary education (Fullbright Greece). I also was very interested in reading about the economic crisis in Greece and how it relates to the education system. It was mentioned that the Greek education system has suffered a series of cuts in public spending (a decline of close to 36% in nominal terms over the past decade), and a recruitment freeze of public civil servants which has impacted wages and resulted in the hiring of new teachers on short-term contracts (OECD, 2018). In terms of differences between Greece's education system and the US education system, I noticed a few things. It seems as though kindergarten is not required for children in Greece. This is very different than in the US. Also, I noticed that Most students in Greece attend public schools of all levels, for which there are no tuition fees, while less than 10% of the student population enrolls in private schools (Fullbright Greece).