About Longina Strumska Cylwik
PhD Longina Strumska-Cylwik (Associate Professor) - University of Gdansk, Social Sciences Faculty, Division of General Pedagogy, Poland. An academic teacher and scientific worker at the University of Gdansk (Poland). On the ground of her particular...More
PhD Longina Strumska-Cylwik (Associate Professor) - University of Gdansk, Social Sciences Faculty, Division of General Pedagogy, Poland. An academic teacher and scientific worker at the University of Gdansk (Poland). On the ground of her particular interest: interpersonal, interhuman and post-human communication, gender and language; recognition of "hidden messages" in the surrounding world and dealing with them; the importance of colloquial verbal messages (proverbs, aphorisms, maxims, 'golden thoughts', etc.).
University of Gdansk
- PhD
- September 1994 to Present
University of Gdansk
Social Sciences Faculty