About Barbara Trippeer


  • Barbara Trippeer, Assistant Professor of Fashion Design, research interests in Interdisciplinary Sustainable Design for Health and Wellbeing


  • University of North Texas
    • Assistant Professor
    • Design Department
    • 1155 Union Circle, #305100
    • August 2012 to Present


  • University of North Texas
    • MFA/Design Research
    • August 2012 to May 2015

    The MFA in Design Research centers on a. exploration of creative problem solving through active, practice based research, theory, and methods which include but are not exclusive to usability, human centered design, prototyping/making, and systemic analysis and visualization.

  • Parsons New School for Design, Paris
    • BFA/ Fashion Design
    • August 1990 to May 1994

    The BFA Fashion Design program at Parsons School of Design, Paris is an blend of the best that both the New York based New School for Design and Paris have to offer, a melding of industry techniques based in French tradition and cutting edge methods and emerging industry techniques. This four year program explores both 2D and 3D concept development, experimentation, and research process which guide students through the essential methods and techniques to be successful in the global fashion industry.


  • Multi /Interdisciplinary Studies, General

  • Fashion/Apparel Design

  • Sustainability Studies


  • Education

  • Product

  • Lifecycle

  • Wellbeing

  • Health

  • Codesign

  • Participatory

  • Collaboration

  • Interdisciplinary

  • Fashion

  • Design

  • Sustainability


  • English
