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Kenneth Rauen two new peers:
- Kenneth Rauen
- Gregory Gates
Added on January 05, 2017
BrettGranborg starred an update by BrettGranborg…
Ethical Analysis Project Group 2 - Green Computing
Starred at January 20, 2016
Brett Granborg posted a new update…
Ethical Analysis Project Group 2 - Green Computing
We define green computing and discuss the current state of green computing technology. We outline some green workstations, printers, and uninterruptible power supplies a tech company might purchase to go green. Finally, we construct a utilitarian ar...More
Kenneth Rauen commented on Assignment 19...
Brett Granborg posted a new update…
On the internet, even on sites like Facebook where I am only in contact with my friends, I am a lurker. I never contribute to communities on Reddit, I never change my Facebook profile picture or post status updates, and I try to keep my identity m...More
Brett Granborg posted a new update…
I chose the game League of Legends, a massive online battle area (MOBA) game which is fraught with toxicity between teammates. Often, all five players have to do well in order to ensure victory for the team, which sometimes results in an environment...More
Brett Granborg posted a new update…
By browsing random subreddits on Reddit one can see that there are forums on the site for everything. People can have free and open discussion about everything – from sports teams to music production, rock climbing, and interior decorating. Reddit g...More
Brett Granborg has one new peer:
- Kenneth Rauen
Added on January 12, 2016
Kenneth Rauen commented on Assignment 6...
This is an example where it does seem less efficient to act at a higher level of morality versus just doing what needs to be done to get by. However, theres still much more longevity in doing the later. Good work gets recognized by the right...More
Kenneth Rauen commented on Assignment 8...
Its true, its very important to have a strong sense of ones morals and ethics in a situation like this
Kenneth Rauen commented on Assignment 10...
It does seem that preventative measures like more general knowledge on such things might be the best way to go
Kenneth Rauen commented on Digital Media Log...
This works, I'd recommend to get something going in an ongoing excel doc or something organized and easy to update
Brett Granborg posted a new update…
Date, Technology Used, Hrs., % of my Waking day, Ethical issues noticed
Tuesday, Facebook, 3, 18, People feel free to post misogynistic/immature content in a medium where criticism is taboo since all posts you see are from your real-life acquaintan...More
I havent gamed in quite a while, but one thing I do remember liking about Xbox Live is their banning practices for people who spew aimless hatred. It is also unfortunate that anonymity seems to bring the worst out of people in this way. Makes you...More