About Ammar Hdaifeh
Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform
- Engineer
- Food Science
- Present
Tishreen university
- BSc & MSc
- September 2010 to Present
My name is Ammar HDAIFEH from Tartous-Syria; I have graduated from Tishreen University Faculty of agriculture(Food Science). I have got a Bachelor's degree, from Tishreen University-2015. also, I studied a Master of Food Science at Tishreen University in addition, I am a Team leader ( Food Science Future Leaders ) For Sustainable Supply Chain 2019 ..(https://food-sta.eu/ssc-2019) Master’s Student Competition in Sustainable Aquaculture you can see my presentation in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywq3w_rsZOQ Further more I work as an Engineer at the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Among my current responsibilities is the cooperation and coordination with agricultural scientific research, universities, and international organizations, companies and institutions of the public sector, joint and private, through the preparation of programs of joint cooperation to achieve the goals and strategies of sustainable agricultural and rural development.