Tieble Traore’s Updates

  • Week 1 Assignment

    1) Why is the ID so important?

    Unique ID is also important because it avoid duplicates or more copies of the same identification number in the electronic data entry form. Unique ID can be used to link confidential information that are often removed...More

  • Week 1 assignment

    List items currently missing from the questionnaire that are needed to achieve the stated survey objectives:

    place of vaccination (health centre or hospital number); disease history, birth order, rural or urban (but the geo coordinates can help)


  • Week 2 assignment (erratum previous posted)

    Method: manual calculation

    Target population:+

    children 12-23 months of age

    1) Given this information, what would be the overall sample size?

    Estimation of overall sample size needed if simple random sampling was used:

    Using Table B-1, with pre...More