About Kouassi lazare Kouassi


  • I am an Ivorian, born in Côte d'Ivoire and curently I live in Abidjan. But I have also visited other countries including USA, Cameroon, Ghana, Burkina Faso and Guinea.


  • EPI Côte d'Ivoire/MoH
    • surveillance Officer
    • Direction & Coordination of EPI (DC-PEV)
    • October 2016 to Present


  • University of Bouaké, Cote d'Ivoire
    • Doctorate in Medicine
    • January 1996 to April 2004

    After I had completed medicine in Côte d'ivoire and worked for a while, then I went in Burkina Faso to complete a Master degree in Population and Health at University of BF (ISSP) in 2014. There, I studied how to define,implement, M&E Health Program and also how to design research protocol
