Lupe Ramirez
Lupe Ramirez created the update Precious Knowledge: Activating Critical Literacy for Civic Engagement.
Lupe Ramirez created the update Yes Ma'am! Conformity of writing and creativity cost.
Lupe Ramirez commented on an update The role of the author--Who gets to study and who gets studied, and why? Who makes the decisions, you know? in EPOL 581 FA22.
Lupe Ramirez created the update The role of the author--Who gets to study and who gets studied, and why? Who makes the decisions, you know?.
Lupe Ramirez and Christianna Loza are now peers.
Lupe Ramirez and Kassandra Chambers are now peers.
Lupe Ramirez commented on an update Update 1: Eliminating the Danger of a Single Story: A Chance Through Tiktok in EPOL 581 FA22.