Eleni Myronidou’s Updates

Who am I?

Verbal – Linguistic

Multiple Intelligence Profile

I’m the one who loves words. I would die for reading, writing and learning new things. I learn best by reading aloud- still do that, taking notes- I mean thousand hundreds of notes and going to lectures- never missed one!

I’m the one who is strongly attracted to logic and reasoning. I love creative problem solving and I’m good at investigation; identifying cause and effect relationships and discerning patterns- that’s the reason I mostly enjoy reading detective stories. But don’t let these trick you into thinking I was a natural Maths lover. To be able to calculate, quantify, and perform complex mathematical operations were simply not among my interests.

I’m the one who is good with people. I’m really good at listening and understanding others but I prefer working alone and I certainly don’t thrive in social interactions, do I? Marina didn’t want to work with me!

I’m the one who loves music and though I may not be able to recognize sounds, tones and rhythm or have a "good ear" for music, I don’t let such trivial things discourage me a bit. So I keep singing, no matter what! However, I do listen actively and I now remember that I used to study French while listening to music. It didn’t work for English, though. Is this the reason why I learned English but I didn’t learn French?

I’m the one who is adept at looking inward. Figuring out my own feelings, motivations and goals is a common pastime. I seek for understanding, that’s why I learn best independently. Striking a balance between logical thinking and intuition may not always be possible but it has helped me reach insightful decisions at times.

I’m the one who loves movement. I enjoy dancing and watching sports and I’m really good at piecing together Lego and Playmobil- if you don’t believe me, just ask my son.

I’m the artistic in my family. My singing and dancing skills are nothing compared to my ability to draw or paint. And what about reading maps? Well, unless you are the adventurous kind of type, don’t count on me. The truth is that I learn best by transforming words into pictures. But it doesn’t always work. Have you ever tried to visualize a manual? Mission impossible!

I’m the one who has a real appreciation for buildings, roads and bridges! My gift at nurturing and growing things is almost non-existent. I’ve successfully dried out three pots of basil, a sycamore tree and a cactus and I used to wash my hands every time I would see a dog, stray or not. My appreciation for nature is hidden in the images I like to capture with my camera.

My Learning Style Preferences

First and foremost, I’m a reflector. I learn best by thinking about what is happening. This is the reason why I usually prefer to take a back seat in meetings or discussions as I greatly enjoy observing other people in action. My biggest flaw? I ponder on things, ideas, plans and actions so much that I end up feeling tired or worse I postpone reaching a definitive conclusion or decision.

I’m a bit of a theorist.

"Does it make sense?",
"How does this fit with that?"
"What are the basic assumptions?" are some of the questions I frequently ask because I always need to understand the theory behind the action. I also tend to be a perfectionist who won’t rest easy until things are tidy and fit into a rational scheme. This is the reason why I’m an ardent suitor of rational objectivity rather than ambiguity.

I’m a bit of a pragmatist, too. Making practical decisions may not be my strong point but I’m thrilled at the idea of problem solving as I see problems as a challenge to test my skills and abilities. My motto? “If it works it’s good but there’s always a better way”.

I’m surely not an activist. I don’t learn by doing and I’m not particularly thrilled at the prospect of action. Though I might get easily excited by new projects and ideas I tend to ponder too much on the action plan that I rarely take action.

My Core Interests

I’m mostly interested in Dance, Writing, Business, Politics and Law.

I’m somewhat interested in Drama, Computers, Social Studies, World Languages and Science.

I’m the least interested in Music, Sports and Maths.

Visual - Spatial

Multiple Intelligence Profile


My Core Interests

My Learning StylePreferences

Logical – Mathematical

My Multiple Intelligence Profile
Linguistic 83%
Logical - Mathematical 69%
Interpersonal 69%
Musical 69%
Intrapersonal 63%
Bodily - kinesthetic 50%
Visual - Spatial 42%
Naturalistic 25%

My Core Interests

Dance/Business/Politics/Law/Writing 1
Drama/Computers/Social Studies/ World Languages/Science 2
Music/Sports/Maths 3

My Learning Style Preferences

Reflector 18
Theorist 11
Pragmatist 11
Activist 4
  • Ioanna Patsoule