Hevilly Menezes
Hevilly Menezes commented on an update 'Tamerlane' by Edgar Allan Poe: about love and ambition in Língua Inglesa IV_2022.
Hevilly Menezes commented on an update “WORK HARD” AND MERITOCRACY in Língua Inglesa IV_2022.
Hevilly Menezes created the update A ghost story: It's all about time!.
Hevilly Menezes created the update "One is Not Born, but Rather Becomes, a Woman.”.
Hevilly Menezes created the update The Male Gaze and Internalised Misogyny.
Hevilly Menezes created the update Xenophobia causes in Brazil and its reflections on society.
Hevilly Menezes and Ana Carolina Rufini are now peers.