Ben Bezzina’s Updates

Task 4 - AutoTutor

AutoTutor is an ITS which teaches literacy (both language and digital literacy) and comprehension strategies to adults with literacy levels between the 3rd and 8th grade.

Media embedded November 12, 2020

It holds conversations with the learner in natural language by making use of 2 virtual agents, a tutor agent and a peer student. The student and the peer virtual agent can compete or help each other. Each lesson consists of a short video explaining the lesson content and interactive activities during which the virtual tutor explains why answers are right or wrong.

I really liked the idea of AutoTutor since it gives illiterate adults a chance for education. I think that most illiterate adults may be reluctant to physically go to classes, however with such an ITS learning can be done in small bursts from the comfort of their home.

The below are some screenshots of the user experience using AutoTutor:
