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Published by #A! (2016) Global on November 14, 2016
Umaru Ntambi published the publication 1. So, is we getting more dumb?.
Umaru Ntambi commented on an update Program SWR "Sammer Without Risk" in #A! (2016) Global.
Umaru Ntambi created the update walk to work riot around kampala streets.
Umaru Ntambi commented on an update Meet some of the people just like you who just launched the Community of Action for Ambulance and Emergency Pre-Hospital Care Providers in Risk Situations in #A! (2016) Global.
Umaru Ntambi created the update very busy week as i work to support the south sudans population movement.
Umaru Ntambi commented on an update rescue of RTA victims and attacked and accused to come late in #A! (2016) Global.
Umaru Ntambi changed their profile image.