About Lassane Kabore


  • Public Health Specialist with interest in the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, particularly vaccine-preventable diseases. Interested in vaccine-impact assessments.


  • Agence de Médecine Préventive (AMP)
    • Epidemiologist-Project Coordinator
    • June 2014 to Present


  • University of Geneva
    • PhD-Global Health
    • August 2016 to Present

    PhD expected in 2019. Dissertation about the impact of PCV13 in Burkina Faso.

  • University of Alabama at Birmingham
    • MSPH in Epidemiology
    • August 2011 to August 2013

    Master of Science in Pubic Health, Specialty Epidemiology, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA

  • University of Berlin (Charité) and University of Bordeaux 2 (ISPED, France)
    • MSc International Health
    • August 2010 to July 2011

    European Master of Science in International Health (tropEd Erasmus Mundus), Specialty: Tropical Medicine and Disease Control

  • University of Ouagadougou
    • Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
    • January 2001 to May 2007

    State Doctor diploma in Pharmacy, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
