Fara Wagbo Temessadouno’s Updates

  • Week 1 A2 assignement Update

    1- Missing items:

    no information planned in the questionnaire for:

    -  rural and urban location of children -  sex - literacy of mother/caregiver

    2- unrelated with the survey objectives:

    - all the question on mobility around the routine immunizat...More

  • Week 3 Assignment

    Considering that we are always in the framework of a routine vaccination

    Question 1. What additional information would you need? Post your information request in the comments below. (Additional information needed will be posted on Wednesday of Wee...More

  • Week 2 assignment


    question 1: Given this information, the overall sample size would be: 105600

    question 2: 621177 households would be have to visit. with 6212 households by strata

    question3: Very large sample size

    question4: Difficult to implement thi...More