Emily Kerzabi’s Communities
New Learning
Transformational Designs for Pedagogy and Assessment
Transformational Designs for Pedagogy and Assessment
Emily Kerzabi commented on an update Update 4: The added value of a peer coach in EPSY 408 FA24.
Emily Kerzabi commented on an update Update 3: A critical look at practice and repitition in EPSY 408 FA24.
Emily Kerzabi commented on an update 4. The Social and Emotional Conditions of Learning: The Case of Bullying in Schools (Dorothy Espelage) in EPSY 408 FA24.
Emily Kerzabi created the update Update 4: The added value of a peer coach.
Emily Kerzabi commented on an update 3. Social Cognitivism (Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope) in EPSY 408 FA24.
Emily Kerzabi commented on an update Update 1: Productive Struggle in Mathematics with African American Students in EPSY 408 FA24.
Emily Kerzabi created the update Update 3: A critical look at practice and repitition.