Jennifer Hoeritz
Jennifer Hoeritz commented on an update Update 6: Peer collaboration and AI review, revision in EPSY 408 FA24.
Jennifer Hoeritz commented on an update Community Update 5: The Canvas of Feedback – A Visual Reflection with Peer and AI Reviews in EPSY 408 FA24.
Jennifer Hoeritz commented on an update Update 1: Productive Struggle in English as a Second Language Learning in EPSY 408 FA24.
Jennifer Hoeritz created the update Update 6: Peer Collaboration, AI Review, and Self-Reflection.
Jennifer Hoeritz commented on an update Update 5: The Canvas of Feedback in EPSY 408 FA24.
Jennifer Hoeritz created the update Update 5: A Visual Reflection with Peer and AI Reviews.
Jennifer Hoeritz commented on an update Update 4: Engagement gap and student socio-cultural development in EPSY 408 FA24.