Tehosterihens Deer’s Updates
week 4
Perception is a great topic and way on how we view one another. I found that the topic was very engaging, and the readings very informal. One quote from the weekly update was the professor’s use of questioning how we interpret others or judge them. “Think about a situation in your life, recent or otherwise, when you based your opinion of someone on their physical appearance, the clothes they were wearing, or even the sound of their voice. What kind of opinion was it? Was it good or bad? Why did you decide that? Did you learn if your opinion was correct? Keep this in mind or make some notes as this may very well be a discussion topic in class.”
I found this great because we do this every day on social media. Much like last week's discussion, we see old friend's photos and form an impression on how their current lifestyle is, how we look at their clothing, or see how they're doing. We evaluate others on social media which was referred to as the social media effect.
Think of it as the horn effect, how we incorporate negative thoughts to people over social media. Kind of like trolls where they just create negative energy to do it for fun.
Then we get into social decentering, an idea where we perceive others based on both cognitive processes and a variety of perceptions. It is essentially judging people and basing who they are based on first impressions. As expressed in the article, our perspectives tend to maintain based on first interactions.