Svetlana Usenyuk is one of the first Masters of Design in Russia. Her Master’s Degree Thesis project was devoted to developing a design model of touristic transportation in Western-Siberian North (research supervisor was Nickolay Garin).
After her..
Svetlana Usenyuk is one of the first Masters of Design in Russia. Her Master’s Degree Thesis project was devoted to developing a design model of touristic transportation in Western-Siberian North (research supervisor was Nickolay Garin).
After her graduate in 2007 she joined to the staff of Department of Industrial Design and now she is a part-time tutor of MD course and a PhD Research Student.
While recognizing great cooperative potential of design profession, she decided to specialize in the theory of Russian (as Northern) design with its special approach to create space and things. Her research interests include design for extreme environment; circumpolar North; interdisciplinary and cross-cultural communication; human movement and transportation systems. The research activity is resulted in some Russian and international publications and expeditions to the Western-Siberian North.
In addition she was a member of design team working on the exposition ‘Link of Times’ for the State Museum of Man and Nature in Khanty-Mansyisk city.