Rita van Haren’s Updates

Online Course: Teaching Writing Digitally

Collaborate with grade/year 4-12 teachers of English Language and literaure as you explore digital tools and develop practical skills to teach writing in a blended learning environment, using CGScholar. The course is designed flexibly to fit in with teachers busy lives at schools. The course has 2 parts. You may just complete Part 1 over 8 weeks or complete both Parts 1 and 2 over 14 weeks.

Part 1: View multimedia/complete readings, post a comment and comment on other participants' posts. There are 5 posts. Commitment is 1-1.5 hours each 2 weeks.

Part 2: Design a unit to use with your classes. Submit for peer review, revision and publication, and give feedback on another unit. Commitment varies depending on the length of your unit.

The course is being run by the ACT Association for the Teaching of English. Register here.

  • Mary Elliott
  • Reda Sadki