Octaveny Wijaya's Interests
Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality In Education
Educational Technology
Learning Technology
Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality In Education
Educational Technology
Learning Technology
Octaveny Wijaya commented on an update Update #2 - Second Language Users and AI composition tools. in EPOL 481 FA24.
Octaveny Wijaya commented on an update Update #2: Competency Based Education (CBE) in Hybrid Clinical Learning Environments in EPOL 481 FA24.
Octaveny Wijaya commented on an update Update 2 Globalization and Education in EPOL 481 FA24.
Octaveny Wijaya commented on an update Update #3: CBE and Artifacts of Learning in Hybrid Learning in EPOL 481 FA24.
Octaveny Wijaya commented on an update Update 3 - Does Homework Alienate Families or Invite Them to Participate? in EPOL 481 FA24.
Octaveny Wijaya commented on an update Update #2: What the Kids (and Scholars) are Saying About Technology in the Classroom in EPOL 481 FA24.
Octaveny Wijaya commented on an update Update 4: The technical side of creating and validating indicators of student learning in EPOL 481 FA24.