Most often I describe my work as situational
I'm keen on real or imagined scenarios playing out in everyday places, and hope that my actions provoke the possibility that everyday places can be rather extra ordinary
Prior to staging public spectac
Most often I describe my work as situational.
I'm keen on real or imagined scenarios playing out in everyday places, and hope that my actions provoke the possibility that everyday places can be rather extra ordinary.
Prior to staging public spectacles, I offered small street side services--a bridge to assist crossing puddles, a woven and upholstered mobile tent that dispensed hot chocolate, and a tricycle driven chandelier that illuminated dark streets. These once utilitarian services have become celebratory events more than strictly functional objects, and I believe strongly that this public celebration is inherently functional. Recent events include a Parade with and for a fleet of 47 micro trucks around Philadelphia, an interactive transit device in a Boston subway station, a parade to open a film festival, a series of choreographed performances for film featuring casts from one to fifty, and a traveling amusing lecture series.